Recent Successes in Composing Competitions and Calls for Works


Hendrix College Candlelight Carol Competition 2017
Behold I Come, a setting of a psalm paraphrase by Isaac Watts won the competition and received 6 performances around Arkansas over the Advent period.

Cantus Ensemble Composing Competition 2017
Wheeler’s setting of the Latin Magnificat as a companion piece to Arvo Pärt’s Nunc Dimittis was shortlisted, performed and recorded, conducted by Dominic Brennan.

Leith Hill Festival Composing Competition 2017
Seventy-Three, a TTB and piano setting of John Taylor’s specially-written paraphrase of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 won second prize and is programmed for the Festival in 2018.

Friends of Cathedral Music Diamond Jubilee Introit Competition 2016
We Sing to God the Spring of Mirth won this competition, and as part of the prize was published by Novello, who distributed sets of copies to all member organisations of FCM.

BBC Singers Call for Works 2016
Wheeler’s setting of The Winter it is Past by Robert Burns was chosen by for a workshop with Judith Weir.

London Festival of Contemporary Church Music 2015
God is Everywhere was programmed in the LFCCM at St Pancras Church, directed by Christopher Batchelor.

John Armitage Memorial Trust Call for Works 2015
Wheeler’s double choir setting of Kevin Crossley-Holland’s Gaudeamus Igitur was selected for performance by the chapel choir of Selwyn College, Cambridge.

Allsaints Northampton John Clare Anthem Competition 2014
God is Everywhere was awarded an honourable mention in this competition.

Cornish International Male Voice Choir Composing Competition 2014
Sea Fever for cambiata voices and piano was highly commended.

Budleigh Carol Competition 2014
Because a Little Child is Born, a setting of a poem by Bliss Carman for SATB with divisi, won the second prize.

St. Edmundsbury Centenary Anthem Competition 2014
The Martyrdom of St Edmund, setting a text by the Very Reverend Frances Ward, the Dean of St. Edmundsbury, won the first prize.